Bionatura is, simply, pure soap. But it’s not just common soap. It’s soap with an attitude! Because of its unique formula, Bionatura cleans better than currently available soap, detergent or any other type of cleaner on the market. It is an industrial strength cleaner that’s still gentle and safe enough for everyday household uses.

The secret to Bionatura’s unmatched cleaning and degreasing performance is in the size and the action of its component molecules. Bionatura has extremely small (colloidal) molecules called “nanoparticles”. These particles are so tiny and so active that they can penetrate the much larger oil and grease molecules. Like miniature jackhammers they can break apart those molecules into water soluble components that contain biodegradable surfactants. Watch in amazement as oil and grease literally melt away with Bionatura. No commonly available soap or cleaner has nanoparticle action. That’s why Bionatura outperforms them all.

Bionatura is a proprietary, bio-based formula consisting of fatty acids, plant based enzymes and minerals, and oils blended with water. Some of Bionatura’s ingredients are found on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) List. Because of this safety factor, NO WARNING LABEL OF ANY KIND is required on Bionatura by any Federal, State or municipal agency.

Bionatura is a multi-purpose cleaner and can be used effectively on anything washable. Household (kitchen, bathroom, furniture, carpets, floors, etc.), automotive, garage/workshop, laundry, dishes, the list goes on and on. Bionatura also has some surprising and unusual uses too. There are already hundreds of uses for Bionatura.

No. Bionatura concentrate will not work effectively unless diluted with water. Bionatura’s nanoparticles require water to be active. Each particle is hydrophilic (attracts water) on one end and hydrophobic (repels water) on the other end. The hydrophobic ends cluster together with those of other particles to form a negatively charged core. The hydrophilic end extends to capture water molecules and is positively charged. This combination forms a very strange molecule that looks much like a sea urchin with little spheres on its spikes. When water is added, these strange looking molecules start to move. With a little agitation (brushing or scrubbing) they begin moving very quickly, breaking down and cleaning up anything in their path. The more water you add, the more active they become. There are three other factors that activate and enhance nanoparticle cleaning action: dwell time, agitation and heat. 1) “Dwell time” is simply the amount of time Bionatura is allowed to sit on a surface after it is applied and before it is wiped or scrubbed off. The longer the dwell time, the more time the nanoparticles have to work their “magic” in dissolving oil, grease and dirt. 2) Using a cloth or scrub brush and/or using a foaming bottle to apply Bionatura Agitates the nanoparticles and makes them more active and powerful. 3) Using warm or hot water agitates and enhances the nanoparticle activity as well.

Castile Liquid Soap, Liquid NTS and other related products such as our foamers and spray cleaners will turn white after being cold or frozen. This is completely normal. All of our organic liquid soap products will return to their normal clear amber color as they warm back to room temperatures. Cold temps and freezing may also cause some white soap to precipitate to the bottom of the bottle. This does not harm the function of the product. Simply warm and shake everything back into solution during cold weather.

Bionatura Liquid Soaps that are designed superfatted like bar soaps, this is to ensure there is no lye remaining in the product plus doubling up with moisturizing benefits

When direct sun, heat or rises in temperature increases the pressure in the bottle. After opening, loosen the lid to allow the pressure to escape and continue to use as normal. If you are going away, tighten the lid again and close the pump by pushing it down and twisting it in the lock position

Bionatura does not contain VOCs, SVOCs / POMs, Biocides, Pyrethroids, PCBs, PAHs, Organophosphates and Phthalates, and is found to be less toxic.

Because some of Bionatura’s ingredients are on the Food and Drug Administration’s GRAS (“Generally Recognized as Safe”) List and, no warning label of any kind is required by any Federal, State or Municipal agency.

Bionatura is a low sudsing/foaming formula but don’t let that fool you! Even without the suds, Bionatura is still cleaning more effectively than other products that produce lots more foam. Nanoparticles don’t need to show off their strength with foam. They just clean like invisible scrub brushes.

Rinsing Bionatura from most surfaces is not necessary. Leaving a residue is desirable in cases where mechanical removal and suppression of germs and viruses is a concern. However, Bionatura should be used in weak dilutions and rinsed completely from any oil-based surface. Varnished or painted furniture, painted walls, linoleum tiles or any object or surface that should not be exposed to water, like leather, are examples. Also, when using Bionatura on fabric, carpet or upholstery stains, test clean an inconspicuous area first to determine if Bionatura will affect the color of the fabric.

Bionatura NTS-1™ contains surfactants. Please note the 2014 biodegradation study was conducted on the formulation with MEA, not the Bionatura NTS-1™ formulation without MEA.

Bionatura has been laboratory tested and shown to kill bacteria such as E.Coli and Salmonella even at concentrations of 30 parts water to 1 part Bionatura! However, FDA regulations require that any product labeled as an “antibacterial” must, by law, contain a registered pesticide. All registered pesticides are toxic chemicals. In order to maintain absolute nontoxicity, no toxic chemicals of any kind are added to Bionatura just to be able to put the word “antibacterial” on the label. But, Bionatura, as is, however is just as effective as most commercially available antibacterials and is still perfectly safe!

Bionatura kills many types of insects because it affects their shells (exoskeleton). Because an insect’s exoskeleton is composed of oil-based molecules, Bionatura proprietary nanoparticle action has the same effect on it as it would any other oil or grease molecule. It dissolves it.

Absolutely! Bionatura is the best degreaser on the planet. Just keep away from any parts that shouldn’t be exposed to water (electrical parts or equipment) and be sure to rinse and dry thoroughly to prevent rust or corrosion.

Bionatura is the only cleaner tough enough to get bathrooms and ovens sparkling clean and yet safe enough to use in an enclosed environment. You can breathe easy, without any more need to open windows or insure proper ventilation.