Farm Disinfectant

100% Livestocks Disinfection


Packaging Available -

5ltr: liquid

about this item:

Bionatura Farm Disinfectant is the all in one Natural disinfectant , Deodorizer , Antiseptic and Antifungal. The process of disinfection is controlled by ‘store and depot’ action where H2O2 gets activated only in presence of microbial contact and once it is killed, silver quickly stabilize.

  • Color: WHITE
  • Available: In stock
  • Category: Livestocks
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  • Used both as preventive and curative treatment for diseases
  • No water rinsing after use, preventing nutrient depletion
  • Extends shelf life of fruits and vegetables
  • Replaces use of expensive fungicides
  • No phytotoxic e_ect and no alteration in taste or smell of the produce
  • Works on a short contact time
  • Prevents clogging of drip lines by removing biofilms, and their re-growth
  • Minimizes use of harmful pesticides by 60 – 70%
  • Used both as preventive and curative treatment for diseases
  • No water rinsing after use, preventing nutrient depletion
  • Extends shelf life of fruits and vegetables
  • Replaces use of expensive fungicides
  • No phytotoxic e_ect and no alteration in taste or smell of the produce
  • Works on a short contact time
  • Prevents clogging of drip lines by removing biofilms, and their re-growth